HSK Online Prep Course

HSK stands for Hànyǔ (Chinese) Shuǐpíng (level) Kǎoshì (test), which is the most important Chinese proficiency test in use today. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using Chinese in their daily, academic and professional lives. The HSK Online Prep Course from INCCS provides comprehensive HSK preparation and training. It consists of all elementary language courses, aims to improve your Chinese language skills effectively and systematically. This HSK Online Prep Course introduces everyday language and includes activities to practice all four language skill: conversation, comprehension, reading and writing. You will learn about Chinese culture and basic Chinese Characters more, will possess the ability to further your Chinese language studies.

HSK Online Prep Course – Level 1

Chinese for HSK Level 1 is the first part of the 6 levels and assesses test takers’ abilities in the application of everyday Chinese. The course covers the four skills although only listening and reading are tested in HSK. At the end of the course, you will be able to understand and use simple Chinese phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further your Chinese language studies.

HSK Online Prep Course – Level 2

This course is the second step towards HSK Level 6. This course covers the entire content that stated in the HSK Level Two Outline. It does not matter if you complete HSK Level 1 or not, as long as you have obtained basic Chinese language competency, we would like to welcome you to join the journey of learning Chinese with us.

HSK Online Prep Course – Level 3

Chinese for HSK3 course is divided into two parts: Part I and Part II. Part I course takes 6 weeks, and you will be learning vocabularies and grammars mainly through the form of dialogues. Part II takes 4 weeks to complete, with the main focus on HSK 3 test practices and strategies. At the end of the course, you will be able to communicate in Chinese at a basic level in your daily, academic and professional lives. You can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China. Specifically, you will master certain grammar knowledge containing fundamental sentence structure and usage like sentences with “把”, sentences with “被”(passive voice), comparative sentences and rhetorical questions. Moreover, you will master the meaning of fixed structure and usage of sentences like “….for sb…”(对…来说), “increasingly…” (越来越), etc.